Saturday, June 03, 2017

Creating the reality you desire

The Laws of Attraction are concerned with how to draw close the things that you value and wish to acquire. This is achieved by forming the image of what you want, then attracting that within your reality. If what you want doesn’t already exist, you either need to create it or wait for someone else to do so.

The Laws of Creation are not about attracting what you want, but rather creating through desires, imagination, expectation, belief, persistence and energy the things that you wish to exist within your life.

Read the full article:
The Laws of Creation is available on Amazon:
Are you living the life that you always imagined, the life that you really desire?

Can you realize your dreams and desires, or are they gradually slipping away from you?

You are the architect of your own life; so use your willpower to make those choices that will control your destiny, create your life path, your fortune. Start to live by taking back control of your life now.

'The Laws of Attraction taught how to attract what you want. 'The Laws of Creation' shows you what the greatest inventors throughout history knew and practiced, they created. You are the creator of your own perceived reality, so don’t be a creation of circumstances, take full control of your destiny.

The rule is simple, take good care of the future or fear it; for if you don't plan the present and the future to achieve your life desires, your bliss, then fate will ensure anything can and will happen. Fate has a terrible habit of filling in gaps in reality with anything that may come along, life then becomes an unstable game of chance, perhaps taking you far from the original intended life path. 

Decide then plan for what you want from life, then work towards putting energy into achieving these life goals, then more than likely what you aim for will become yours, what you most desire and need will become your reality. Life has the meaning that you give it, through capturing then using the Power of Creation to create a life really worth living. The Laws of Creation provides insights into The Secrets of what The Laws of Attraction are really all about; harnessing the power within you to create the life that you truly deserve. Open your mind to the infinite possibilities that do exist for you. Start realising your dreams, creating the things that you actually desire, gaining the know-how into what life is really all about.

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